Tips For Helping Your Child Develop a Love of Reading

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.” – George RR Martin

Reading is a beautiful thing that transports us to different worlds, teaches us great life lessons, makes our imaginations soar, and connects us to others. Many parents want their children to grow up with a love for reading. Especially nowadays, with technology a main source of entertainment, it can be difficult to get your children to not only read but learn to enjoy it.

At Inch By Inch Child Care in Bedford, we understand how difficult it can be to get our little ones to read. While our child care programs incorporate lessons to help your children learn how to read, getting them to develop a love for reading is a different story. We have compiled some tips for parents to help them encourage their children to love reading and continue reading throughout their entire lives. If you want your kiddo to have a love for reading, follow these tips and get in touch with Inch By Inch to learn more about our child care programs.

Read to Them

Reading to your kiddo is not only a great way to teach them to read, but it can help them learn to love reading. Make it a habit to read to your children before bed every day. It is a great way to wind down and ensure that they aren’t watching TV before bed (we all know by now how bad screen time is before bed). Start reading to your kids before bed when they are infants and continue even after they learn to read themselves.

When you read to your child, they will begin to view this as a fun time to spend with you. Children who are read to and hear countless stories throughout the first years of their lives can develop better reading skills and learn to love reading. Let your kiddos pick the books they want to hear and make it a tradition to read together. It is beneficial for many reasons.

Let Them Choose The Books

Allowing your children to read books that interest them can help your child develop an interest in reading. They will be more likely to be excited about reading when they get to pick their own books and read about things that interest them. Take them to the library, let them explore different books and topics, and then let them choose the book they want. You can give them guidance to ensure that they choose a book that is at their reading level, or help them find a book that interests them, but in the end, the choice should be theirs.

Allowing your child to explore their interests through books allows them to realize at an early age that they can find new worlds, fun information, and different ideas in the pages. There are so many fun books for kids that can make them excited about reading and begin to develop a love for it.

Create a Reading Nook

Just like creating a play area for your kiddos can encourage them to engage in play and step away from technology, setting up a reading nook can encourage them to read more. When you set up a reading nook, you give your children a space where they can read with minimal distractions.

Create a cozy environment with pillows, blankets, a bean bag chair, and a lamp or window. Giving your kiddo a space that they can retreat to when they want to read can help them feel more comfortable going off and reading on their own. This can become a comforting space for them and help them associate reading with that same comforting feeling.

Keep Books Accessible

By having books accessible to your child, you can give them many opportunities to pick up a book and start reading. Create a bookshelf for your kids that holds a few of their favorite books and add new ones every so often. By having books around the house, you are making them more present in your child’s life, which can encourage them to read more and learn to love it.

Schedule Technology-Free Time

It is easy to let your child sit in front of the TV for hours while you try to clean, prepare dinner, and do all the other tasks you have on your list. But by scheduling technology-free time every day, you can encourage your child to do something else, whether they decide to play outside or read is up to them, but scheduling the time is a great start!

When you have books stocked around the house and schedule technology-free time, your child will be more and more likely to pick up a book and read. By limiting technology, you can help your child find joy in other activities, like reading, and learn that this is a great way for them to relax.

Start Reading More

We have mentioned this in numerous blogs before, but it is a good thing to always keep in mind — children learn a lot from observing others, especially their parents. If you read often and your child sees it, they will be more likely to pick up a book and start reading too. If they don’t see you reading, they will feel like they shouldn’t have to read either.

Instead of sitting around watching TV, pick up a book and start reading. Even if you read while they are playing, they will begin to take note that you read often, which will help them want to read more too. Make reading a habit in your own life and your child will likely pick up the habit as well.

Read Together

Try to get the whole family to read at the same time. You can all read your own books and read in your own reading space, but reading at the same time is a great way to encourage your child to read. Having a nice quiet house with just the sound of pages turning is a great way to make reading more enjoyable and make it a family activity.

Kids may not want to read if they hear their parents talking and laughing in the next room or if they hear their siblings playing. By encouraging everyone in the family to read at the same time, you are creating the perfect reading environment and a fun family tradition!

Ask Questions

Ask your kiddo questions about the book they are reading and show interest. When kids are excited to talk about their book, they will become more excited to continue reading. If your child knows that you are going to be asking them questions about their book, they are also more likely to comprehend what they are reading.

Be sure to keep the questions fun though! This is not a grilling session to test your kid’s knowledge and ensure they are actually paying attention to what they are reading. This is just a good way to talk to your child about their book and help boost your child’s excitement about their book. Just ask questions about what is going on in the book, who their favorite character is, and anything else that your child may be excited to discuss.

Don’t Force It

One reason why many children and young adults don’t enjoy reading nowadays is that they are forced to read in school. While we are not saying that reading in school is a negative thing, it does make reading less enjoyable for kids, which can lead them to become adults who don’t read.

To counter this, don’t force them to read if they don’t want to and don’t make it a punishment. Do what you can to make reading fun and enjoyable. If your child doesn’t feel like reading one day, let them do what they want instead. But stick to reading to them every night so that reading is still a part of their daily routine.

If your child has to fill out a reading log in their early years of grade school, take time to read all together on the weekend. This allows them to enjoy reading rather than feel like it is a task to do during their homework time.

Reading truly is a beautiful thing and can give us an escape from the hectic world we live in. By encouraging your child to read, allowing them to read what interests them, and following these tips, you can help them develop a love for books. While some people simply don’t enjoy reading, by making it a part of your child’s daily routine, you can increase the chances that they develop a love for reading.

At Inch By Inch Child Care Center in Bedford, we can help your kiddo start to learn to read in our programs. Learn more and get in touch today to schedule a tour!

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